EIN 2024 General Assembly

On 18 June, EIN members gathered in The Hague for our annual General Assembly. Every two years, this is an event that we organise in person. This year, the event took place ahead of the EIN Conference “Safeguarding the Rule of Law: Implementing ECtHR Judgments for Lasting Impact”, which gathered around 50 participants. This event was organised as part of our project on promoting the rule of law in Europe through the implementation of judgments of the ECtHR concerning independence and impartiality of the judiciary, financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.

23 members came to The Hague, 5 joined us online, and 3 members were represented via proxy. At the meeting, major documents for the life of the Network were discussed and adopted, such as the annual accounts, and the planned budgets for 2024-2025. It was also a unique opportunity for EIN members to take stock of the work achieved by the Network in 2023 on advocating for the implementation of ECtHR judgments to be higher on the agenda and for introducing EIN’s new Turkish member organisations: the Freedom of Expression Association (İFÖD – İfade Özgürlüğü Derneği) and the Human Rights Association (İnsan Hakları Derneği ”IHD”). Finally, the 2024 General Assembly was an opportunity for EIN Former Director, George Stafford, who stepped down in 2023, to address EIN members with a few words of wisdom and farewell.

We would like to thank all EIN members for their commitment and engagement in the Network! 

A special thank you to the Ministry of Justice of the Netherlands for hosting our events.