Overview of Rule 9 Submissions in view of the Committee of Ministers' Deputies Human Rights Meeting in June 2024

From the 11th to the 13th of June 2024, the Committee of Ministers will meet for their quarterly Human Rights Meeting. During this meeting, the Committee of Ministers will examine 40 leading judgments of the European Court of Human Rights that are pending implementation.

EIN members and partners, other civil society actors, lawyers and applicants have made 47 Rule 9 submissions for 41 cases under consideration. The list below sets out an overview of these submissions related to cases on the current agenda.


Overview of Submissions

Khadija Ismayilova Group V. Azerbaijan

Violation: Violations of the applicants’ right to privacy and freedom of expression in connection with their work.

Last examination: September 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1475/H46-4

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Media Defence) (02/05/2024) concerning the group of cases Khadija Ismayilova v. Azerbaijan (Application No. 65286/13) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)549]


Sejdić And Finci Group v. Bosnia and Herzegovina

Violation: Ethnic-based discrimination on account of the ineligibility of persons not affiliated with one of the “constituent peoples” (Bosniaks, Croats or Serbs) to stand for election to the House of Peoples and the Presidency.

Last examination: December 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1483/H46-8

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (04/04/2024) concerning the case of ZORNIC v. Bosnia and Herzegovina (Application No. 3681/06) (Sejdic and Finci group, 27996/06) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)394]


Miroslava Todorova v. Bulgaria

Violation: Disciplinary proceedings and sanctions against the President of the judges’ association in retaliation against her criticism of the Supreme Judicial Council and the executive.

Last examination: June 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1468/H46-7

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Reply from the authorities (07/05/2024) following a communication from an NGO (Bulgarian Helsinki Committee) (19/04/2024) concerning the case of Miroslava Todorova v. Bulgaria (Application No. 40072/13) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)488-rev]


Kolevi v. Bulgaria

Violation: Systemic problem of ineffective criminal investigations with regard to shortcomings which affect investigations concerning both private individuals and law enforcement agents and lack of guarantees for the independence of criminal investigations against the Chief Prosecutor.

Last examination: December 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1483/H46-10

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Reply from the authorities (13/05/2024) following a communication from an NGO (Bulgarian Helsinki Committee) (02/05/2024) concerning the case of KOLEVI v. Bulgaria (Application No. 1108/02) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)537]


 Merabishvili v. Georgia

Violation: Failure by the domestic courts to give relevant and sufficient reasons to justify continuation of detention on remand; continued detention on remand with the predominant purpose of obtaining information from the applicant about third persons.

Last examination: March 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1459/H46-9

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NHRI (Public Defender’s Office of Georgia) (02/05/2024) concerning the case of Merabishvili v. Georgia (Application No. 72508/13) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)562] 


Baka v. Hungary

Violation: Lack of access to a court as regards the premature termination of the applicant’s mandate as President of the Supreme Court which also led to a violation of his right to freedom of expression.

Last examination: December 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1483/H46-17

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Hungarian Helsinki Committee) (22/04/2024) concerning the group of cases BAKA v. Hungary (Application No. 20261/12) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)487]


Szabo and Vissy v. Hungary

Violation: Absence of sufficient guarantees against abuse in legislation on secret surveillance.

Last examination: March 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1459/H46-12

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Hungarian Civil Liberty Union) (19/04/2024) concerning the case of SZABO AND VISSY v. Hungary (Application No. 37138/14) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)541]


Blokhin v. Russian Federation, Fudin v. Russian Federation, Matytsina Group v. Russian Federation, Vasilyev and Kovtun Group v. Russian Federation, Atyukov Group v. Russian Federation, Karelin Group v. Russian Federation

Violation: Groups of cases concerning unfair proceedings.

Last examination: First examination

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Centre de la protection internationale) (24/04/2024) concerning the cases of Blokhin, Vasilyev and Kovtun, Matytsina, Fudin, Atyukov and Karelin v. Russia (Applications No. 47152/06, 13703/04, 58428/10, 66637/12, 74467/10, 926/08) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)484]


Boris Popov v. Russian Federation, Boyko v. Russian Federation, Gorlov and Others Group v. Russian Federation, Igranov and Others Group v. Russian Federation, N.T. Group v. Russian Federation, Khoroshenko Group v. Russian Federation, Resin v. Russian Federation, Vlasov Group v. Russian Federation & Zakharkin v. Russian Federation

Violation: Groups of cases concerning prisoners’ rights.

Last examination: First examination

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Centre de la protection internationale) (17/04/2024) concerning the cases of N.T., ZAKHARKIN, BORIS POPOV, Gorlov and Others, KHOROSHENKO, Boyko, Igranov and Others, VLASOV and Resin v. Russia (Applications No. 14727/11, 1555/04, 23284/04, 27057/06, 41418/04, 42259/07, 42399/13, 78146/01, 9798/12) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)464]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from NGOs (International Partnership for Human Rights, European Prison Litigation Network, State Capture: Research and Action) (29/04/2024) concerning the groups of cases Tomov and Others and VLASOV v. Russia (Applications No. 18255/10, 78146/01) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)538][Ii1] 

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from NGOs (Memorial Human Rights Defence Centre; OVD Info) (26/04/2024) concerning the cases of BORIS POPOV, Gorlov and Others, Boyko, VLASOV and Resin v. Russia (Applications No. 23284/04, 27057/06, 42259/07, 78146/01, 9798/12) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)585]


İzzettin Doğan and Others v. Türkiye & Mansur Yalçin and Others v. Türkiye

Violation: Structural and administrative problems leading to various differences in treatment between followers of the Alevi faith and adherents of the majority branch of Islam, including compulsory religious education classes.

Last examination: June 2023 - CM/Del/Dec(2023)1468/H46-32

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from NGOs (Alevi Bektaşi Federation, Alevi Philosophy Association, Federation of Alevi Foundations, Association for Monitoring Equal Rights, Human Rights Agenda Association, Norwegian Helsinki Committee Freedom of Belief Initiative) (24/04/2024) concerning the case of IZZETTIN DOGAN AND OTHERS v. Turkey (Application No. 62649/10) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)510]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Norwegian Helsinki Committee Freedom of Belief Initiative) (22/04/2024) concerning the case of Izzettin Dogan and Others v. Turkey (Application No. 62649/10) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)479]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Alevi Philosophy Center Association (ADO)) (10/04/2024) concerning the cases of Izzettin Dogan and Others and Mansur Yalcin and Others v. Turkey (Applications No. 62649/10, 21163/11) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)439]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.6 - Reply from the authorities (14/05/2024) following communications from NGOs (10/04/2024, 22/04/2024, 24/04/2024) concerning the case of IZZETTIN DOGAN AND OTHERS v. Turkey (Application No. 62649/10) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)551]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Alevi Philosophy Centre) (13/05/2024) concerning the case of MANSUR YALCIN AND OTHERS v. Turkey (Application No. 21163/11) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)582] 


Kavala v. Türkiye

Violation: Unjustified and extended detention of the applicant without reasonable suspicion and with the ulterior purpose of reducing him to silence.

Last examination: March 2024 - CM/Del/Dec(2024)1492/H46-35

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant’s representative (29/05/2024) concerning the case of Kavala v. Türkiye (Application No. 28749/18) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)610]


Selahattin Demirtaş (No. 2) Group v. Türkiye

Violation: Unjustified detention of the applicants without reasonable suspicion that they had committed an offence, with the ulterior purpose of stifling pluralism and limiting freedom of political debate. Unforeseeable lifting of the parliamentary immunity and subsequent criminal proceedings to penalise the applicants for their political speeches (individual measures).

Last examination: March 2024 - CM/Del/Dec(2024)1492/H46-34

Latest submission(s): 1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (03/05/2024) concerning the case of Yuksekdag Senoglu and Others v. Türkiye (Application No. 14332/17) (Selahattin Demirtas (No. 2) group, 14305/17) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)632]

1501st meeting (June 2024) (DH) - Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (31/05/2024) concerning the case of Selahattin Demirtas v. Turkey (no. 2) (Application No. 14305/17) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2024)622]