Promoting the Rule of Law in Europe through the Implementation of Judgments of the ECtHR Concerning Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary

Earlier this year, the EIN launched a new project that aims to promote the independence and impartiality of the judiciary in Europe, through the implementation of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights concerning the independence and the impartiality of the judiciary.

The project

This project stemmed from the identification of the lack of an established network of practitioners working on the implementation of ECtHR rule of law judgments who could share information and expertise, success stories, the reasons behind them and the degree of their sustainability, as well as strategies to help overcome implementation stumbling blocks in rule of law judgments of the ECtHR.


As part of this project, we aim at the creation of an informal network of organisations and individuals who are working on the implementation of ECtHR judgments on this topic – and ensuring that this network is adequately connected, informed and supported to achieve change. Such a network currently does not exist and the work of relevant stakeholders is not adequately supported as a result.

  1. A launch event for collaborative work on the implementation of ECtHR judgments concerning the independence and impartiality of the judiciary and the prosecution.

  1. Publication of a written report on ECtHR judgments pertaining to the independence of the judiciary and the prosecution, with an emphasis on those cases in respect of which significant delays are recorded in the adoption of effective measures to tackle the violations established by the Strasbourg Court.

  2. Support for the network’s ongoing work in promoting the implementation of ECtHR judgments independence of the judiciary and the prosecution.

EIN Conference: Safeguarding the Rule of Law: Implementing ECtHR Judgments for Lasting Impact

On June 19th, the EIN is holding its conference ‘Safeguarding the Rule of Law: Implementing ECtHR Judgments for Lasting Impact’, as part of the project on ‘Promoting the Rule of Law in Europe through the Implementation of Judgments of the ECtHR Concerning Independence and Impartiality of the Judiciary’, supported by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Netherlands. As the landmark event of this project, the present conference aims at empowering civil society and practitioners across Europe to promote rule of law reforms by fostering knowledge of the implementation of ECtHR judgments.