EIN Board

The EIN Board currently consists of 11 members:

  • Kerem Altiparmak, individual member, Turkey

  • Vivien Brassoi, Legal Director, European Roma Rights Centre, Hungary

  • Professor Başak Çalı, Co-Director of the Centre for Fundamental Rights, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin, Germany

  • Christian De Vos, Director of Research and Investigations, Physicians for Human Rights and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, USA

  • Panayote Dimitras, Founder and Spokesperson of the Greek Helsinki Monitor (GHM), Greece

  • Ecaterina-Georgiana Georghe, Executive Director, Association for the Defence of Human Rights in Romania (APADOR-CH), Romania

  • Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights, represented by Marcin Szwed, Poland

  • Dr Krassimir Kanev, Director of the Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, Bulgaria

  • Professor Philip Leach, former Director of the European Human Rights Advocacy Centre, School of Law, Middlesex University, London, UK

  • Dr Ramute Remezaite, Independent lawyer and researcher – working as a legal consultant at EHRAC

  • Anne-Katrin Speck, doctoral researcher, Human Rights Centre, Ghent University (Belgium)

Each board member is elected for a term of four years. The latest elections took place in June 2023.