Our Mission:
Bringing rights home.
We help members and partners turn judgments from the European Court of Human Rights into real changes in their own country.
We believe that the most successful work on the implementation of judgments combines advocacy at the national level, with engagement with the supervision process at the Council of Europe.
EIN supports work at both levels, through advocacy, training and resources.
At the Council of Europe, we help members and partners have a say in the monitoring of particular judgments. EIN provides advice on individual written submissions; sets up contacts with members of the Council of Europe secretariat; and organises oral briefings to members of the Committee of Ministers.
We are expanding our support of advocacy at the national level. Our ongoing work will involve bringing together coalitions to campaign for the implementation of particular cases, and working with media to shine a light on implementation.
EIN events bring together those who want to learn more about how to implement judgments, with leading experts in the field. We teach best practices for achieving implementation at both the national and international levels - and bring together those who want to work together to achieve changes in their country.
Lawyers from the Council of Europe guide participants through the implementation monitoring process. NGOs and activists share success stories about implementation advocacy - both at the Council of Europe and at home.
Our events have trained almost 400 participants to date.
The EIN Handbook is the only guide in existence for NGOs, lawyers, victims and activists on how to engage with implementation monitoring process. Versions are currently available in English, French and Turkish.
We also published a Guide focused on advocacy for the implementation of judgments at the national level.
Finally, we pass on information about important developments in the implementation of cases, to those who most need to know. If you would like to receive updates, learn more and sign up here.
Shrinking civic spaces
Civil society and the media are under attack in many European countries. This takes many forms: the persecution of human rights defenders, the use of lawsuits (and worse) to silence independent journalism, crackdowns on freedom of assembly, and a range of measures designed to undermine the funding or legal existence of NGOs.
This crisis is reflected in many judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, but also in the failure of states to implement these rulings.
The freedom of civil society and journalists underpin all of the freedoms in European society. To concentrate on this serious issue, in 2019-2020 EIN is prioritising shrinking space cases in our advocacy, training and events.
If you are interested in learning more about EIN’s activities, or you would like to get involved, contact us.
Photo Credit: (1) Speaker, generic photo from Pixabay (2) EIN (3) A woman is silenced © Flickr/Jennifer Moo