February 2022 Training: NGOs and NHRIs on their role in supporting ECtHR implementation
/Last week, EIN hosted a training seminar in Strasbourg on raising awareness and educating NGOs, NHRIs, and professional organisations on their role in supporting the implementation of ECHR judgments.
The training started with a presentation of the objectives of the seminar and a round table discussion between participants led by George Stafford, EIN Director.
Next, the focus shifted to NGOs and NHRIs and how they can participate in the supervisory process concerning the execution of ECtHR judgments, which contributes to protecting the rule of law in the EU. Geanina Munteanu, lawyer at the Department for the Execution of Judgments, Council of Europe, provided participants with useful insights into the supervision process of ECtHR judgments, a participatory process in which NGOs and NHRIs have their place.

The following session enabled participants to listen to testimonies by other NGOs on their respective involvement in the execution of ECtHR judgments. Dr. Nóra Novoszádek, Senior Legal Officer, Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Hugues de Suremain, Litigation Coordinator, European Prison Litigation Network, and Dr. Krassimir Kanev, Director, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, shared their experience with their colleagues.
After lunch, attendees were divided into break out groups to discuss how to approach the process of the execution of ECHR judgments in practice. This activity was composed of real cases currently pending implementation and how participants would/could best engage with the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe. Participants gained new insights on how to proper draft submissions and strategies to have maximum impact on the execution process of a judgment and, ultimately, to contribute to better protection of human rights in the EU.
The training concluded with a presentation by Agnès Ciccarone, Programme Manager, on mistakes NGOs should avoid when drafting their submissions.
Thank everyone who participated in the training, especially those who presented and accepted to moderate breakout sessions , and we look forward to reading your future submissions.
Photo Credit: EIN
EIN would also like to thank the city of Strasbourg for co-funding this event.