SĂCĂLEANU GROUP[1] v. ROMANIA (Application No. 73970/01)
Violation: Failure or substantial delay in the enforcement of final domestic judicial decisions against the State and State-owned enterprises
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1398/H46-23 - March 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant in the case of Omegatech Enterprises Ltd. v. Romania (Application No. 24612/07) (judgment S.C. Polyinvest S.R.L. v. Romania (No. 20752/07) (Sacaleanu group (73970/01) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)145]
Violation: Different violations mainly related to the right to freedom of peaceful assembly (reactions to notifications of planned assemblies, reactions to peaceful assemblies, unlawful arrests).
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-29 - June 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (18/01/2022) in the case of Razvozzhayev v. Russia and Ukraine and and Udaltsov v. Russia (Application No. 75734/12) (Lashmankin group, 57818/09) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)94]
Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Centre de la protection internationale) (24/01/2022) in the case of Lashmankin group v. Russia (Application No. 57818/09) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)138]
Rule 9.2 - Communication from 11 NGOs (18/01/2022) in the case of Lashmankin and Others v. Russian Federation (Application No. 57818/09) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)126]
Violation: Transport of detained in poor conditions.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1398/H46-28 - March 2021
Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Centre de la protection internationale) (24/01/2022) in the case of Tomov and Others v. Russia (Application No. 18255/10) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)139]
Violation: Violations concerning tax and enforcement proceedings brought against the applicant oil company, leading to its liquidation in 2007.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1411/H46-33 - September 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (25/01/2022) in the case of OAO NEFTYANAYA KOMPANIYA YUKOS v. Russian Federation (Application No. 14902/04) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)118]
KAVALA v. TURKEY (Application No. 28749/18)
Violation: Unjustified and extended detention of the applicant without reasonable suspicion and with the ulterior purpose of reducing him to silence.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1419/H46-38 - November-December 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (27/01/2022) in the case of Kavala v. Turkey (Application No. 28749/18) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)130]
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (24/01/2022) in the case of Kavala v. Turkey (Application No. 28749/18) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)110]
ÖNER AND TÜRK GROUP v. TURKEY (Application No.51962/12), NEDİM ŞENER GROUP (Application No. 38270/11), ALTUĞ TANER AKÇAM GROUP (Application No. 27520/07), ARTUN AND GUVENER GROUP (Application No. 75510/01), and IŞIKIRIK GROUP (Application No. 41226/09)
Violation: Unjustified interferences with freedom of expression, in particular through criminal proceedings, including defamation, and the consequent chilling effect. Unforeseeable conviction of membership of an illegal organisation for the mere fact of attending a public meeting and expressing views there.
Last Examination:
CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-35 - June 2021
CM/Del/Dec(2021)1406/H46-34 - June 2021
Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Communication from an NGO (Media and Law Studies Association (Medya ve Hukuk Çalışmaları Derneği - MLSA) (17/01/2022) in the Altug Taner Akcam, Nedim Sener, Isikirik, Oner and Turk and Artun and Guvener groups v. Turkey (Applications No. 27520/07, 38270/11, 41226/09, 51962/12, 75510/01) and reply from the authorities (25/01/2022) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)116-rev]
Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Communication from an NGO (İfade Özgürlüğü Derneği (İFÖD – Freedom of Expression Association)) (19/01/2022) in the case of Isikirik v. Turkey (Application No. 41226/09) and reply from the authorities (25/01/2022) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)127]
Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Communication from an NGO (İfade Özgürlüğü Derneği (İFÖD – Freedom of Expression Association)) (19/01/2022) in the case of ARTUN AND GUVENER v. Turkey (Application No. 75510/01) and reply from the authorities (25/01/2022) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)120]
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (22/12/2021) in the case of Dickinson v. Turkey (No. 25200/11) (Artun and Guvener group) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)17]
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (22/12/2021) in the case of Dickinson v. Turkey (No. 25200/11) (Artun and Guvener group, 75510/01) and reply from the authorities (03/01/2022) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)17-rev]
SELAHATTİN DEMİRTAŞ (No 2) v. TURKEY (Application No.14305/17)
Violation: Unjustified detention of the applicant without reasonable suspicion that he had committed an offence, with the ulterior purpose of stifling pluralism and limiting freedom of political debate; unforeseeable lifting of parliamentary immunity and subsequent criminal proceedings to penalise the applicant for political speech.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1419/H46-39 - November-December 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (12/01/2022) in the case of Selahattin Demirtas v. Turkey (no. 2) (No. 14305/17) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)63]
KAVERZIN v. UKRAINE (Application No. 23893/03), AFANASYEV GROUP v. UKRAINE (Application No. 38722/02), and BELOUSOV v. UKRAINE (Application No. 4494/07)
Violation: Ill-treatment/torture by police and lack of effective investigations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1398/H46-35 - March 2021
Rules 9.2 and 9.6 - Communication from an NGO (Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group) in the case of KAVERZIN v. Ukraine (Application No. 23893/03) and reply from the authorities (09/02/2022) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)167]
McKERR GROUP UNITED KINGDOM (Application No.28883/95)
Violation: Actions of security forces in Northern Ireland in the 1980s and 1990s; failure to conduct Article 2 - compliant investigations.
Last Examination: CM/Del/Dec(2021)1419/H46-44 - November-December 2021
Rule 9.1 - Communication from the applicant (16/02/2022) in the case of KELLY AND OTHERS v. the United Kingdom (Application No. 30054/96) (MCKerr group, 28883/95) [Anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)215]
Rule 9.2 - Communication from an NGO (Relatives for Justice) (04/02/2022) in the case of MCKERR group v. the United Kingdom (Application No. 28883/95) [anglais uniquement] [DH-DD(2022)217]